Livorno - Sestri Levante
For pictures from today click here for page 1 and here for page 2
Today turned out to be an AMAZING day. We saw both the stage start in Livorno and the finish in Sestri Levante.
The start is an amazing place to be. You can see all of these riders that you have seen in pictures or wherever up close!! They really are just milling around chatting, etc.
On the way to Sestri Levante we had some time to see the Tour in Pisa - I am really glad that we did... It is amazing. We almost went up to check it out, however tickets were €15  for each of us.
We made it as quickly as we could up the coast to Sestri Levante so that we could see the finish. The finish is also amazing to be at but for different reasons than the start. It is very difficult to see the riders but it is just an amazing party atmosphere. Super cool!
After seeing the teams pack up and the jersey presentations we made our way along the coast north towards Genova. What AMAZING views of the ocean, and a fabulously entertaining road. However, with all the cars leaving town after the stage finish it was very slow going... We moved onto the Autostrada as soon as we could, and headed on to Milan.
OUR BAGS WERE THERE!!! I can’t emphasize how happy we were about this. I finally have a bike to ride!!
As soon as we had our bags we were on our way to Aosta to spend the night and see the stage tomorrow. I am hoping to ride a couple mountains tomorrow, but we will see how ambitious I am after spending the night in the car!
Well that’s all for now - from a road side Parcheggio about 16km from Aosta!!
Livorno - Sestri Levante May 19th, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006