Pontedera TT - Pisa
For pictures from today, click here for page 1 and here for page 2...
What a great day!! We woke up around 8 am and got our stuff together for the day. We left the hotel to “recess” the course for the Time Trial through Pisa... Che buona fortuna, il nostro albergo è vicino del Giro!! It was literally a 3 minute walk!
So after the obligatory cappuccino and crostatti, we walked through il centro and around some of the course to see where I would want to talk pictures.
A little side note - we still have no bags so, yeah we are wearing the same clothes that we travelled in - yuck. Supposedly they should be showing up this afternoon.
So we walk around town and head back to the hotel for a little respite from the heat. I called BA at this point to see if our bags would be at the hotel this afternoon. Well, one bag was in transit to Pisa and the other two were “still in London”!!
We headed out shortly after and could some of the early riders on the course while having un caffè.
Jacquie then had the brilliant idea to buy some cheap clothes because we were concerned that our luggage would not be at the hotel at all.
After buying a really cheap pair of clothes each, we cruised over to the corner I have picked out to see all the favourites: Cunego, Di Luca, Pellizotti, Savoldelli, Basso and of course Gibo... They didn’t dissapoint (well, except Cunego, Di Luca and Simoni who lost like 5, 4 and 4 minutes respectively do a seemingly unbeatable Basso).
We headed back to the hotel quickly to catch the end of the race coverage on TV, and I called BA about our bags. The first one had arrived in Pisa, and the other two were scheduled to arrive in Milan that night. So seeing as we are heading north with the race tomorrow we will just go through Milan to pick up my bike and the other bag (luckily the one that arrive today was all our clothes!!).
We headed out for dinner which turned out to be pretty dissapointing because we chose a restaurant that was all foreigners like us and the food wasn’t great... Oh well!!
That’s it for tonight, check out all the pics and enjoy!
Pontedera TT May 18th, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006