For today’s pics click page 1 and page 2
What a fantastic day...
We headed down to the course at around one o’clock to see what was going on. We got done there at just the right time as we pretty much had our choice of spot to set up camp (the teams were expected through at around 4:45-5:00).
We walked around the course to see all the goings-on and Jacquie was VERY serious about getting an Esta-Thè mascot - so that was first up on our list of things to do...
After paying €1.50 for 3 little things of Esta-Thè “Pesca” and getting the little Mascot, we headed back to our spot scouted out earlier.
It is pretty important to hold your spot here and push back if you get pushed... The Italians have no problem invading your personal space if they want your spot - I guess it’s part of their culture!
At around 4 o’clock or so the caravan rolled through for one last hurrah!! I can’t remember if I took any pictures of it this time, but they seriously hang out of their cars at 90 km/h!! Crazy bastards... Oh, and they just have their horns held down the hole time!!
So our spot turned out to be AMAZING! I totally filled my flash card with images today (over 200!!). I actually climbed up onto a wall to get a bunch of them - but it was worth it - quel specatocolo!!
After taking so many pictures we cruised around the outside of the course as Jacquie had a her eyes peeled for tossed bidons... She was in luck as she got a tossed AG2R one!
It really was extraordinary to see crit style racing at this caliber. Seeing it all the time in Canada makes it easy to compare equally (you can’t really compare a BC Cup to the Gavia or something!!). When CSC hit the front and ramped up the pace - I haven’t seen anything like it.
The Mazda Giro cars were literally squealing their tires as they came around the corners!! I MEAN FAST!!!!!
Any how, after all of the 11 laps (!!) we headed over to try and see the awards presentation which was not exactly easy. Basically they have it set up so the media can see and people with passes can see, but no one else.
I think I managed to take a few pictures that will show what is going on. I had to hold my camera above my head to get anything!
After the awards ceremony we hung around the Saunier Duval buses for a while (thank you Jacquie). Again, Jacquie came through and got a water bottle, and eventually I got a chance to shake Simoni’s hand. He was really courteous and spent easily a half hour signing autographs for people when he had just finished racing and hadn’t had a chance to eat or anything...
At around 7 pm we headed back to the hotel, changed and headed back out for dinner.
Nothing really special to report, fairly standard fair, Prociutto e Melone per antipasto, Spaghetti alla Diavola e una pizza con prociutto e funghi...
A fantastic day. We are both looking forward to actually being tourists tomorrow and seeing some sights other than bike racing!
Milano May 28th, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006